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How to Combine Peloton, CrossFit, and Strength Training into a Sustainable Fitness Program!

coach crossfit peloton training Dec 28, 2021

If you’re anything like me, you’ve adjusted your training goals, programs, and methods over your fitness career. I went from a stereotypical gym bro who could bench press almost 2x what I could squat (gross), to a Kool Aid drinking CrossFitter where my legs got the wake up call they needed, and now a loyal member of the Peloton cult. But, old habits die hard.

I’ll be honest, I don’t miss the “bake and sizzle” CrossFit days of laying on the gym floor 5 days a week… sometimes twice a day… (don’t judge, we’ve all had brighter moments). And even though CrossFit isn’t my main training modality, it still has a soft spot in my heart and a regular appearance in my training. 

So first, let’s break down what makes combining these three methods into a sustainable program and provide some framework that you can apply elsewhere: 


Peloton - Honestly, more than a spin bike. I was skeptical at first, but I think they have done an excellent job with the product… the PR on the other hand… (we will save that for another blog). When the bike arrived, I had never done spin,  but I was a CrossFitter, I could do anything. I got my ass absolutely kicked. 


Here’s what I love:


  • Varying class types that allow me to change up my intensity based on how I feel.
  • Bootcamps that fill my high intensity cup and are led very thoughtfully. I sometimes swap in barbell work to add to the challenge. 
  • The Power Zone Bar. If you have a Peloton and don’t use your training zones, you’re truly missing out on amazing feedback to progress your training. Suck it up and take your FTP test. 

Here’s what I’m mindful of:

  • The high volume cyclic load, think repetitive in nature and minimal external resistance. This is the case in most “cardio” fitness based programs. 
  • The intensity. You can go hard fairly often on the bike, but I’m always mindful of this. Make sure to mix in classes to vary the intensity. We don’t need a CF 2.0 issue. 
  • The limited load exposure. They need to keep their product safe and accessible. So while they offer “strength classes”, they don’t really do the overload trick.  


CrossFit - What a great thing for the fitness community! Call me naive, but CF has done wonders for bringing people together and overall, exposing TONS of opportunity for symbiotic brands (hence, Engage Movement). Now, I believe CF has evolved over the years, but “back in my day”, we were figuring it out on the fly. 


Here’s what I love:

  • A little bit of everything. You have to admit, a well structured CF workout can make “endurance” work feel more fun. 
  • Strength is a major component. However, strength is also performed for time in some cases. Not bad, but comes with it’s own baggage. 
  • Community - People SHOW UP for their gym and workouts and I am absolutely here for it. 


Here’s what I’m mindful of: 

  • Sometimes limited eccentric load exposure for the sake of efficiency. Time spent under tension in a wod is inefficient if the goal is time. 
  • The intensity monster. It’s easy to get addicted to this stimulus, and sometimes hard to reshape the habit. 
  • Programming is generally out of our hands. Maybe we go to a gym or follow a template program, but it’s rare that our clients are programming for themselves. 


Strength training - This might be the holy grail of staying healthy and living a long life, but you must find balance and understand loading principles. My strength goals have changed from strength GAIN to strength MAINTAIN! Nothing beats a great strength day. 


Here’s what I love:

  • Load exposure is protective to our bones and connective tissue. It’s important that we stress our system in some way with external load. 
  • Feeling like a badass. Move weight. Have fun. Need I say more?


Here’s what I am mindful:

  • Diminishing returns. As we start to get stronger and chase numbers, the risk reward profile changes and there’s less bang for buck. Keep progressing, but just be mindful that this principle exists.
  • It’s hard to find a program that allows for recovery fluctuations. I’m lucky to have the knowledge I possess to program for myself. After this blog, I hope it helps you communicate this to your clients as well!
  • People often lift for their ego. I know, because I used to. Helping clients reframe their training goals is a powerful tool. 


How I structure my week:


Monday: Peloton PowerZone 30-45 min + Upper body strength


Tuesday: Strength + CrossFit style workout


Wednesday: Peloton Low Impact (don’t skip these they are amazing)


Thursday: Rest


Friday: Peloton Bike Bootcamp 30-60 min (sometimes with a barbell, I love it)


Saturday: Group Ride with the Homies. Typically a more intense bike workout. 


Sunday: Redzone. IYKYK. 


At any point if my body is feeling like it needs another recovery day or a lower impact workout, I take it. Pushing through that to accumulate volume doesn’t fit my goals. My mindset around fitness is a lifestyle. Train til I die (I’m calling this TradeMark now…). 

I hope that helps shine light on how you can combine fitness programs and communicate what a weekly structure should look like to your clients!

If you found this article helpful, the best compliment you can give is to share this with your colleagues. It’s greatly appreciated. 

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