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Stop Waiting: How to Bet on Yourself and Win Big

business coach life mindset rehab professional Aug 13, 2024

Taking the leap into entrepreneurship can be a scary and intimidating feat. 

Stories of success on one side of the scale and fear of failure on the other… it’s hard to know which way the scales will tip in your situation.

And the only thing worse than trying and failing is the simple fact that you’ll regret it if you never try.

So how do you change your mindset to bet on yourself and fight for your own success?

It’s a challenge many face when on the edge of entrepreneurship. They start assessing risk, they start telling themselves stories of why it won’t work, why they shouldn’t make the move… only to look back and wish they started sooner or even worse, look back and be in the exact same position they were in 1, 3, 5 years ago - always waiting for the right time. But it never came.

Because the reality is there’s never a right time, and the longer you wait, the more you begin to believe this story. Those who really want to make it work do, Period.

It’s easy to look back on my path and have hindsight that is 20/20. Had I known where I would be today, I might have made some move sooner, but life doesn’t work that way. You can’t wait until you’re ready to jump, in this world, you have to jump before you are ready. The rest tends to work itself out.

So you have a choice. Both options present risk, even if you don’t see it that way.

Do you absorb the risk of continuing down the known path you’re on? What does the known future look like? Still safe? Is it actually risky?

Or do you jump? And absorb the risk of the unknown? The one where opportunity lies. Freedom can await. And ultimately provides fulfillment to those who work hard.

You’re always in control. The decision continues to be yours. What will you do?

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