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Trying to do everything at once?

business coach crossfit mindset rehab professional Jun 26, 2023

One of the biggest problems we see budding business owners face is the lack of a roadmap to help get them from where they are to where they want to be…. And because of that, they either never get started or, even worse, they get stuck in a rut that they can’t get out of and keep falling back into that cycle over and over again… 

So what’s the primary reason for that?

They are typically trying to do everything at once… and you know what happens when you try to do everything?? Nothing goes as well as it should. That leaves you with just a little bit of each process… a little bit of each project… and ultimately, minimal traction to move closer to your goals. 

So how do you resolve this?

Just like back in the day, when you could Mapquest a route to get you from point A to point B, you can create this for your business. Now the tricky part is you have to know what stops along the way are going to suit you best and which route is optimal for the business you’d like to create. 

Now, creating your own path is one option… but that might take time, financial resources, and cause some frustration…

Or, you could invest in a roadmap from those who have already been there, Those who have gone where you’re looking to go, and even better, have helped others get there. 

Building out your business does have step-by-step processes to follow, but it also has layers. 

One of the key components we help our clients with is knowing how and when to layer strategies upon one another. 

For example, let’s say you’re already pounding the pavement and consistently posting to social media as one of your strategies… Are you building an email list? One that will be an asset to you in the long run but may FEEL like a waste of time early? 

This is where the expertise aspect comes into play. Someone to help show you the ropes and see things from a different perspective! 

We’re in it to play the long game, are you?

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